

  1. Regex Cheat Sheet
    Neatly separated basic regex
  2. Bash in 100 Seconds
    Short introduction to bash. Mostly about what you can and will do in SHELL
  3. Bash Scripting Full Course 3 Hours
    Detailed explanation of bash scripting. Also explains about grep, sed, and awk
  4. The Heap: How do use-after-free exploits work? - bin 0x16
    Use-After-Free Vulnerability example. This video has helped me understand vulnerabilities while using pointers
  5. How to Encrypt and Decrypt PGP Message in Linux ?
    It is straight forward. An 11 minutes video that explains the basics about how to decrypt and/or encrypt PGP message
  6. The fork() function in C
    How to use fork (basic). I learned that fork() doesn’t necessarily have to be “powers of 2” processes
  7. Shared Memory Systems
    Some more explanation about shared memory
  8. Operating System - Process Scheduling
    Scheduling basics in case you haven’t learned any like me
  9. What’s the difference between CPU time, user CPU time and system CPU time?
    This is a Quora forum discussion, but i agree with Tso’s reply about the question being the difference between Real, User, and System time. Daniel Tso’s answer helped me understand the difference between Real, User, and System time
  10. RAID
    I have given up trying to understand this week’s materials, but i hope this link helps because i recognize some words there from class